Registration for our 55th reunion is now open!

It’s hard to believe it’s been nearly five years since our 50th reunion in Ann Arbor.   We don’t want to let this milestone go by without the opportunity to get together again!   Your reunion committee has been working hard to put a reunion gathering together on Saturday, July 14th, 2018.   We hope you will make plans to attend.

We are excited to announce that registration for our 55th high school reunion is now open!   The reunion will be held in the ballroom of the Travis Pointe Country Club on Saturday, July 14th starting at 11:30am.  Buffet lunch, with all the trimmings will be served in a relaxing atmosphere with a beautiful view and plenty of time to allow you to reacquaint and enjoy catching up with classmates.

Your reunion committee has been working hard to keep costs low while still providing a great experience for all.  Please consider registering now at the link below.

Register for the 55th reunion

We look forward to seeing you.   Please let us know if you have any questions by sending an email to   Also, check out our Class List page where you will find information about other classmates.   Many classmates have added short profile biographies of what they have been up to since graduation.   If you haven’t done so already, send us your bio (and recent photos) so we can add it to the web site.

Thanks so much and hope to see you soon!

Your Reunion Committee
Chuck Wilkins
Rick Weid
Butch Larkins
Carol Spears
Barbara Kramer
George Crane