Annual Reunion Event 2019

Your Reunion Committee has completed the initial plans for our 2019 Annual Event, we will have all of the details finalized by June 1. Save the date, Saturday, July 13th at noon. See the full article for more information.  (Read More)

55th Reunion Photos

55th Reunion Photos Photos of the recent 55th reunion gathering held at Travis Pointe Country Club on Saturday, July 14, 2018 can be found here:...  (Read More)

55th Reunion Summary

The Class of '63 55th Reunion was given a big thumbs up by all that attended. We had over 100 in attendance, including three teachers, classmates, and their guests who enjoyed a full afternoon catching up with their old gang.  (Read More)

Reunion Afterglow

Reunion Afterglow: Don Cody has offered to hold a party for our classmates after the official celebration at Travis Pointe. Everyone is welcome to Don’s...  (Read More)

Reunion Videos and Photos

Video recordings of our 30th, 35th and 50th reunions are available for viewing. However, because the recordings were professionally produced and licensed, they are only available here for viewing by classmates. You will be prompted to login. Accounts have been set up for all classmates with known email addresses. Enjoy!  (Read More)

Events in and Around Ann Arbor

Because many of you will be coming from out of town, we wanted to make you aware of a sampling of other events that you might enjoy while you are here. From the “Rolling Sculpture Car Show” to the play “Willow Run” at the famous Purple Rose Theater  (Read More)

Coach Scotty Wilson – By Chuck Wilkins

Thomas “Scotty” Wilson was a social studies teacher, tennis and golf coach at Ann Arbor High School for thirty years. He was born in Glasgow Scotland and moved to Saginaw Michigan when he was eight (no mystery how he got his nickname). He was a very good tennis player as a youngster, winning a number of local titles.  (Read More)

What have you been up to?

We have collected comments from just a few of the classmates that have registered for the 55th Reunion and answered the question "What have you been up to since the 50th reunion?" You should find this interesting.  (Read More)

Looking back at the Class of ’63

In 1993, the Ann Arbor Observer published an in-depth feature article on the Ann Arbor High School Class of 1963. At the time, it was a nostalgic visit into the past on the thirtieth anniversary of graduation. Six classmates were interviewed and their memories and recollections painted a vivid picture of what it was like growing up in Ann Arbor.  (Read More)