Coach Scotty Wilson – By Chuck Wilkins

Thomas “Scotty” Wilson was a social studies teacher, tennis and golf coach at Ann Arbor High School for thirty years.  He was born in Glasgow Scotland and moved to Saginaw Michigan when he was eight (no mystery how he got his nickname).  He was a very good tennis player as a youngster, winning a number of local titles.

In 1963 he became our golf coach, and I cannot begin to tell you how much fun the golf trips were with him.  He was always positive, lighthearted and a joy to be around.  I would like to relate a story about Coach Scotty after our graduation in 1963.

 I had joined the Air Force Reserves and went to the Air Force Academy Prep School in Colorado Springs, CO.  I was in a classroom and the officer of the day ordered me to report to the school’s commander immediately.  Concerned as to a reason for the summons, I reported as ordered.  After the obligatory salute, the Colonel informed me that a Major wanted to speak with me and that he was standing right behind me.  To my utter surprise, there stood Major Scotty Wilson.  We stepped out into the hall, had a hug and a wonderful conversation.  It turned out that as a reservist he spent part of many summers as an attaché to the Air Force Academy.  Not once had he ever mentioned that he was an officer in World War II.

Later I had seen enough officer’s ribbons to know that my coach had the most impressive field of decorations that I had ever seen in person.  Even later, I found out that Scotty had piloted 35 missions over Europe during the war.  I am not sure which was the more impressive, his courage or his modesty.  It was a pleasure to have known this man.  I will never forget him.

By Chuck Wilkins

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